Monday, April 18, 2011

Kinda fun news!!

So I have to exciting things to share... 1. I called our social worker and as of April 6th they are Both LEGALY FREE!! So this means the Birth mom and Dad have NO rights and CANNOT come after them- we were Really NOT worried about this before, but now its not even an issue!! 2. He (as I told you) is doing really well! He has some speach delay and has been on an IEP (individual Education Plan) to help him- like Special ed. SO....a "normal 4 year old" will test inbetween 85-100 on their test for speach. At his last school he tested at a 51 (no so good but, deffinatly needs help) So he has been living with us for 2 1/2 months and got re-tested and scored an 81!!!! 4 points below normal!!! He has one more year of pre-school and he might be able to start kindergarden without any IEP!! WAHOOO!!!!


The Swift said...

AWESOME!!! Great job! We want you guys to come out here to Utah to visit so we can meet everybody.

Danielle said...

That's fantastic! Great job Layne and Malachi!

Talitha said...

That's great!!! I am so happy for all of you guys!

Elisa said...

That is great! I Always LOVE happy news, and that just goes to show what a happy family life can do for a kid! Keep up the good work with him, you guys are amazing, and those kids saving grace!

Unknown said...

So happy for you guys. Hope the next steps go quickly and easily for you. Those kids are so cute. We will have to plan a play date some time.

Grace and Scott said...

That's amazing, Layne!! It feels so good to see all your hard work paying off by seeing their amazing growth, doesn't it? Keep it up!