Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back from Reunion-

We went to Family reunion this last weekend, I was a bum and didn’t take many pictures…but we did have lots of fun. We went a day early and played in Ellensburg with Mark and Cory! We stayed at the Super 8 (classy) and swam in the Pool! I Love Ellensburg, I forgot how hot and windy it is there!

Then we drove down to Wallowa, it was great to see all the Andersons and Netty. All the great-grandchildren had LOTS of fun playing and running around. The Three brother-in-laws got some time to hang out and bond! There was lots of Hot-tubbin’, Several of my cousins (and my sister) are pregnant…so there was LOTS of sitting around the hot tub and chattin’. Unfortunately it did rain for the 2 ½ days we were there, so we played lots of card games! Malachi LOVES card games for he was in Heaven! The Best part of the whole trip is that Malachi and I were assigned to a KING bed, it was SO comfortable and it had memory foam on it!! I Love hanging out with everyone!

PS. Our giant queen Ann Cherry tree turned pink while we were gone…so it is almost ready, might be another week or two, so if would like to invite yourself over to pick some for a pie or for a fun FHE activity please feel free!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Side Blogs~

Most of my cousins have “Family Blogs” (Which by the way I LOVE and read daily if not twice a day) they have Family pictures and daily happenings, whatever! However periodically I come across some of your guys side blogs (that I never realized you had) that you guys use to peruse your individual interests of side thoughts. I love it and find it very interesting. I also have a side blog, as many of you know I have been going though Hell with infertility, so I have an "infertility blues" blog, mostly as an outlet for my grief and frustration. So…I guess I want to know….Do you have other blogs that you write that I don't know about? Please leave me a comment with the link so I can look at them and add them to my list!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Malachi in a Nutshell!

Recently I've had requests for more Malachi based blogs, so here is an Update on his daily doings lately!
He has been working A LOT! His Job is going really well and he is there #1 go-to guy for overtime, He helps on Duct cleanings (on Saturdays) a few times a month! He is really trying to show them what a valuable employee he is because we really like this company and want to work at it for a long time!
When he gets home he has two major projects that he is working on! One is he is building a food storage room (YEAH!!) He has never done any framing before you he is literally figuring it our piece by piece, but so far it looks pretty good!

Sorry that is such a bad picture, I didnt realize the lighting was so bad!
He has also been working on getting rid of the rubble that is in our back yard, we had two rotten old sheds, we busted them down and had Jerm build us a new one. However now we have one new shed and two rotten old piles of debris. So he has barrowed his parents truck and is working on loading it and taking loads to the dump! PS. we tried to burn it and someone called the fire department on us, and we looked into a dumpster being delivered, and this is the cheapest way!

We were given this old Basketball head board so he is excited to fix it up and be able to play outside!

Besides that...he is looking forward to getting a calling, I think he wants something with a group, young men or scouts, but anything will work! He is actually excited about my family reunion coming up, only because there will be a lot a game playing there and a pool! He keeps trying to get me to go camping (so if anyone want to take him, You can use my sleeping bag!) We went garage sale-ing last week and he LOVED it! He is So excited to see everyone in his family next Saturday for Isaac's Graduation! He Loves Poker night every month! That is pretty much it! Malachi's life in a nutshell!