Juno is a movie about a 16 year old girl who is pregnant and give her baby up for adoption…now it’s not a Perfect adoption story, however it does have a happily ever after! There are not very many movies about adoption out there, this helps to normalize the process, If you haven’t seen it rent it, or I’ll let you barrow it!
By the way….”The Back-up Plan” with Jenifer Lopez came out a few months ago, and apparently is was Horrible because it was only in the theaters for a month, and got really bad reviews! However I fully plan on Red-boxing it when I comes out because I think it looks really good…

Looks like a good movie to me!
It's refreshing to find movies about Adoption/fertility/miscarrige and such...do you know of any good movies?
I think most of J-los movies are a flop...But I love the story behind the Juno movie!!!! The one about the writer, if you don't know it you should check it out or ask me sometime.
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