Saturday, July 17, 2010

Good things happen to good people

Yesterday Malachi and I had a really fun experience….
Thursday night we were getting ready for our garage sale and walking around putting up signs. We were walking next to sprinker and noticed a bunch of cards on the sidewalk…They were an Drivers licence, Military ID, Student ID and such, we picked them up and took them home. Now I have to be honest and say that I am often hesitant to try to help a random stranger. I would like to help, however often it seems that those who do good deeds get burned….I mean you hear all these stories about people who pick up hitch hikers and get murdered, they were just trying to help. So, I was hesitant, however I did look him up on the internet, found a phone number and called…
….he lived in Yelm (40 minutes away) however since didn’t think he should be driving (seeing as we had his driver’s license) we met him in the Yelm Walmart parking lot…. He was the nicest young man and his mother was so appreciative, they even bought us flowers! AND they were LDS! I was so excited; because that means nice things do happen to nice people!
( I have NO idea why my picture is sideways- you will just have to tilt your head to look at it!)

But that is not the end of the story! Since we were in Yelm we decided to find somewhere to eat, we looked at all the 5-6 options and decided on Teriyaki. Nice little restaurant- great Katsu! And guess what? They were playing Hymns.
Moral of the Story….Yelm is our new Zion!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a great story. I do kind of laugh at you saying that Yelm is your new Zion because it is the headquarters of Ramtha, which owns half of Yelm. It is a cult. Funny stuff.

Also, at the top of your blog you have birthmother spelled brithmother. Just thought I would point that out to you. :)