Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve...

My Family's Tradition (growing up) is to sit around the Christmas tree and read stories, sing songs, tell poems and just chat about I was way excited to include my kids into that- so I asked my Dad if we could come over to his house on Christmas Eve! This is Mallory and I getting ready to we went over there a little bit early and played and watched "ELF" and then we ATE, and ATE, and ATE- SO much yummy food! Then we gathered around the tree to tell some stories....

Isn't this the Cutest Mary and Joseph you've ever seen???

We sang Christmas bells, Rudolf the red nosed reindeer, 12 days of Christmas (Inman Style) and Jingle bells! Then we read the ABC's of Christmas (a STANDARD at our house) and Dad told us a Cowboy poem then we read Christ's birth out of the Bible!

After we got home everyone got to open ONE present-- guess what it was?? NEW PAJAMAS- Lucky kids!! Andrew has BUZZ light year and Mallory has Minnie Mouse!

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