Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A new month, A new goal!

So last month was a month of transition, we have all been getting into a routine and finding our rhythm...and I have to say we are doing really well...however I am excited for March as a fresh start because I need to work on fine-tunning our new life...For example our grocery bill is out of control- our family doubled, but our grocery bill cannot! And last month I kept thinking that one more trip would tide us over till the end of the month, and it never did- so I need to change my stragity. Also MY eating habits are crazy(I have food issues anyways) I use to wait until I was hungry and then figure out what I wanted to eat. Not any more! I eat three LARGE solid meals, and I eat it ALL (so I can have dessert) and snacks and I think about food all day- *what am I going to make for dinner* *When are we going to have a snack* There are a bunch of other things that I need to work on...I am excited! Happy March 1st!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am having the exact same problem. We are now off WIC as of this month and we have a new baby who needs formula. So I am having to re-evaluate how I grocery shop. And now grocery prices are going to start going up because gas prices are going up. Great....