Saturday, March 19, 2011


So we (as most parents) have run into our share of problems.... well we found a solution to ONE

So when HE first got here he needed a haircut pretty badly. I told him Manda would give him a haircut and he was very excited! Happy to get a haircut! So we get there and Manda starts cutting his hair, and he starts fussing and crying and sweating, and sweating more and he had to sit on my lap- he was completely freaked out!

So Doranda told me about this idea her friend had tried with her kids. So the kid gets a washcloth and gets to put it over their face (like the would do in the bath) so that they feel like they are shielded from the buzzing noise!

Worked like a charm!! He just got his haircut yesterday and he sat their all by himself and was brave and did not shed one tear!! Wahoo! I am so excited!
.....One down 7 million to go!

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