Sunday, March 15, 2009

Delighted and infuriated simultaneously!

So there is good news and BAD news!
The good news is that after lots of advertising we found a young man to rent our apartment downstairs!! This is great, it seems really nice, and looks like he will be able to pay his rent, so I am really excited…a few extra hundred dollars a month!
The bad news is that Albertsons is ridiculous. Remember how I stepped down from being a manager. I was looking to find a store closer, so that I could work 32 hours a week and NOT work any Sundays. My store director asked if while I was looking I would work in the front end as a checker, they really need some help up there and they wanted to fill my management spot. So I move to front end…I was still working 30-40 hours a week (which wasn’t ideal but I didn’t mind helping out) THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN- my hours drop to 4! They hired another front end manager. I have only worked at Albertsons about 5 years and everyone else has worked there for 30+, so I have no seniority….So the long and the short of it is I may nave been the go-to girl, multi-talented, trained and capable to work in all departments, but currently I am no better than CHOPPED LIVER!
To ad insult to injury…Mean while I applied for a lower management position (which I am Over qualified for) at a store closer to my house! There have been several instances where the management at this store haven’t exactly made their decisions ethically, they are based more on politics vs. actual experience. Unfortunately that was the case in this position They hired a helper clerk from their store…So someone who doesn’t know “Jack” and they will have to send to training, and explain how to do EVERYTHING….Whatever!
So good thing we got the apartment rented out…because we are going to need that money!

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