Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I have never owned a dog. My Papa hates them and I have dreamed of owning a dog my entire life. I always assumed that when I got married and had a family I would get a dog, isn’t that part of the American dream? I think it would be so much fun to have that companionship, to have something to nurture while we are apparently are not able to have a baby, take it for walks and cuddle on the couch, I just love the idea.

Now having said that, there are a few issues: I do not like the smell, Dogs reek, and Malachi is VERY allergic…however there are ways around that and we do have hardwood floors so that would cut back on the dander. Also I do NOT want to have a baby and a dog at the same time. If you have a dog you cannot lay a baby on the floor, because then the dog licks the babies face after it just got done licking its butt and that is revolting, so we would have to get rid of the dog when we had a baby.

I don’t know what we are going to do?? BUT hypothetically if we get have a dog it will be an inside dog, and I want a miniature husky. I didn’t even know these existed, but they are cute and good natured like husky’s, but they only get up to 14 pounds…I really want one…..but Who knows what will happen??


Mary-Anne said...
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Mary-Anne said...

DO IT! I NEVER wanted a fact, I disliked dogs, very much so...until Nathanael surprised me with this adorable 1 pound yorkie-poo. I still wasn't convinced...but, if you can make it through the first 6 months of potty training them and getting them through obedience school, you will NEVER regret it!! Jackson (our puppy, well, he's not really a puppy anymore, he's 2 1/2) really is my best friend!! You should totally do it! Jackson doesn't shed at ALL and I actually think he smells good, unless he gets wet. I'm allergic to animals that shed too but I have NEVER been bothered by Jackson. Sorry this comment is so long...I just think you should do it!! If you do it now, even if you get pregnant right away, you will still have 9 months to get the dog trained, which is TOTALLY doable. I think you should do it! :)

Tyra said...

that is the cutest dog I have ever seen, I want one!

Unknown said...

Since you and Malachi work I would consider adopting a full grown dog. Yes, you miss out on the cute puppy stage but they usually come trained and are a little less clingy. There are also dogs that shed less than others so I would look into that or else it is going to make Malachi miserable and you will just end up getting rid of it. I wouldn't worry about having a dog and a baby. Most dogs are very good with babies and my kids LOVE their dog, even Elaina. So never get a dog with the thoughts that you will get rid of it when you have a baby. That is not responsible dog ownership. Look into A great website with all of the adoption agencies in the country. Adoption is the way to go. That is how we got Jada. Call me if you have any questions. You know I grew up with dogs and I have had Jada for 3+ years so I know something about it. :)