Thursday, January 29, 2009


Let me start off by saying I LOVE FOOD! I eat 24/7, even when I am not hungry I will eat. However today (Thursday) I woke up and had like ¼ of a bowl of cereal….then left the house was busy, didn’t have time and went the rest of the day without eating….I came home at 6:30-ish and was STARVED. Seriously my body was shaking uncontrollably, I felt like I was going to pass out, I was ghostly pale, I had a terrible migraine headache and my stomach was queasy, I felt terrible!
We went out to dinner (because I could NOT wait for dinner to be prepared) and ate. I ordered imminently when we sat down…Then Malachi and I were talking and I remembered that didn’t eat on Wednesday! Wednesday morning I didn’t eat breakfast (because I didn’t feel good) then I started throwing up, when I went to work I felt a little better so I had some wheat thins that afternoon??? Who does that??? No wonder I felt like crap…I hadn’t eaten for two days, and I am the kind of girl that LOVES to eat! I ate a little Chicken salad, its a miracle, all better. So the moral to the story is…If you are feeling shaky, like you are going to pass out- EAT!

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