Thursday, January 29, 2009


Let me start off by saying I LOVE FOOD! I eat 24/7, even when I am not hungry I will eat. However today (Thursday) I woke up and had like ¼ of a bowl of cereal….then left the house was busy, didn’t have time and went the rest of the day without eating….I came home at 6:30-ish and was STARVED. Seriously my body was shaking uncontrollably, I felt like I was going to pass out, I was ghostly pale, I had a terrible migraine headache and my stomach was queasy, I felt terrible!
We went out to dinner (because I could NOT wait for dinner to be prepared) and ate. I ordered imminently when we sat down…Then Malachi and I were talking and I remembered that didn’t eat on Wednesday! Wednesday morning I didn’t eat breakfast (because I didn’t feel good) then I started throwing up, when I went to work I felt a little better so I had some wheat thins that afternoon??? Who does that??? No wonder I felt like crap…I hadn’t eaten for two days, and I am the kind of girl that LOVES to eat! I ate a little Chicken salad, its a miracle, all better. So the moral to the story is…If you are feeling shaky, like you are going to pass out- EAT!

Monday, January 26, 2009

So, we got new was a must. Our windows were single pane aluminum, which is basically one step above saran wrap! We had a bunch of estimates and finally found a good deal! YEAH! I think it makes our house look SOOO MUCH better. Here are just two before and after shots!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just a walk in the Park!

I am trying to fill my "new found" time with uplifting and de-stressing acivities.
My new friend Rachel and I are going to (try to) walk her dogs about once a week. This will satisfy my doggie time, fortify our friendship, get me outside and maybe get rid of my chubby butt (good luck) I am really excited!

Monday, January 19, 2009

What a Fruit cake!

Today I am staying home and organizing more...I kinda pride myself on my Organization. I like to stay home and go through a closet or room and re-arrange things or purge, or sort, it's one of my favorite things to do. I have a lot of stuff but I normally know where things are and they all have a home. But today I am looking though stuff and finding thank you cards I never sent, Pictures from our wedding that I LOVE and printed off for family members and never gave to them. I am such a fruit-cake! I guess getting organized is a lifelong aspiration, maybe one day I will be better at it!

Dancing fools

Grandpa decided to be a bum and tried to cancel Sunday night dinner….can trick us, I made dinner and the Chappells came over to our house for dinner! Clara buggie really likes taking pictures, AND getting her picture taken. We put in a Veggie tales movie and they were dancing fools! My lighting in my house is REALLY bad for picture taking!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Grand Announcement

I QUIT MY JOB! Well Kinda, I stepped down from being a manager to being a lowly Pee-on checker! It will defiantly be a change, but Malachi and I decided that we needed to make some adjustments in our lives to be happier. I am very excited about this new adventure because it will give me a lot more flexibility in my job. I probably will still be working closing shifts, but not as often. I will NOT be working Sundays, so I can go to CHURCH, a much needed modification, and I will only be working a few days a week, so I will have more time to hang out with Family and Malachi! Not to mention it will be A LOT less stress! YEAH!! LESS STRESS!!
So I told them I would stay in my Manager position through the end of the month so that they can find and train a replacement (replace me, good luck!) but starting next month I am officially a checker…AND…even more fun we have a bakery girl that is going out on Maternity leave and I am going to fill in for her for the 12 weeks she is out!
We are very excited about this priority change; hopefully this will help transform the rest of our lives!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Today we went to church at the Chappell’s ward, and Audrey was so stinkin‘ cute. When the Sacrament came around we passed the tray of bread down and Audrey reverently took one and then Clara was taking one and Audrey said “ No Clara, get a big one!”
Then after Sacrament I got out a few books, one was a farm book that had moving parts. You could spin the wheel and the picture would change or pull a tab…. Anyways on the front it had a wheel with a cat, a sheep and a pig and when you spun it the moved. Audrey looked at it and said “what is that cat doing, it’s not a cow and only cows jump over the moon!”
They are so stinkin’ cute! I submit this picture as proof!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Swift family dinner!

Joshua and Rebecca are in town so we all got together for dinner at our house (FUN HUH?) Malachi tried to help...notice the mashed potatoes ALL over the counter! Julia and Ethan (sorry if I didn’t spell that right) were SO cute and played and played... then they got a little fussy, not bad for 3 hours past their bedtime! So we all hung out, ate and played Apples to Apples! I love that game! Over all a fun night!


I have never owned a dog. My Papa hates them and I have dreamed of owning a dog my entire life. I always assumed that when I got married and had a family I would get a dog, isn’t that part of the American dream? I think it would be so much fun to have that companionship, to have something to nurture while we are apparently are not able to have a baby, take it for walks and cuddle on the couch, I just love the idea.

Now having said that, there are a few issues: I do not like the smell, Dogs reek, and Malachi is VERY allergic…however there are ways around that and we do have hardwood floors so that would cut back on the dander. Also I do NOT want to have a baby and a dog at the same time. If you have a dog you cannot lay a baby on the floor, because then the dog licks the babies face after it just got done licking its butt and that is revolting, so we would have to get rid of the dog when we had a baby.

I don’t know what we are going to do?? BUT hypothetically if we get have a dog it will be an inside dog, and I want a miniature husky. I didn’t even know these existed, but they are cute and good natured like husky’s, but they only get up to 14 pounds…I really want one…..but Who knows what will happen??

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Despite my best efforts the New Year always brings along some uncertainty with how my life is going. I see everyone around me and suddenly I feel discontent with what I am doing. I never do resolutions, I just try to sort out how life is…and is it okay?
This is what I know…. I have a wonderful husband, great family, a good house, and a fine job. What I want more than anything else in the world is to be a stay at home mom, and so far the universe is against me. So until then I will have to work with what I can control and try to let go of what I cannot (easier said than done)

What I like about myself
 I am very practical
 I am prepared
 I am close with my family
 I have a good work ethic

What I don’t like about myself:
 I don’t take time to have “fun”
 I bend over backwards so that everything can run smoothly for others
 I get annoyed often with my husband in the name of “maturity”
 I am extremely self-coconscious
 I am really bad at making or keeping friends

Things that were really fun in 2008
 I visited the Haney’s
 Malachi and I went to the Puyallup fair- all day
 Buying a house!
 Momma and I got to go to Garage sales a little bit
 I got a promotion at work and I am learning a lot

Things that really sucked in 2008:
 Dealing with the previous home owner on our house
 NOT being able to have a baby- ALL YEAR
 Working on Sundays- almost always

Things I would really like to do, but most likely wont:
 Take Piano lessons
 Take a biology class at Pierce
 Get a puppy
 Go visit the Haney’s
 Quit my job

Things I would like to work on improving
 Controlling my Temper
 Becoming active in the church
 Working on more crafty projects
 Getting a bit more organized around my house

Things I am looking forward to in 2009
 Working on our house
 Going to Reunion
 Garage sales with Momma
 Playing with the Chappell girls
 Shopping

So, as 2009 starts I am going to look foward to those things I can control, and maybe a few fertility treatments to work on the things I can't. I wish everyone a Happy new year!