Friday, November 21, 2008

Sometimes you feel like a nut...

I love Malachi very much, but we do NOT agree on anything decorative. My husband has the worst (in my opinion) taste. I know that my taste is unique, I like geometric, retro...but he likes repulsive style. We will be shopping trying to pick out something (and I am totally willing to compromise) then he will pick out the ugliest, flamboyant, most obnoxious thing and say it looks nice. Blahh! He doesn’t understand the difference between good quality and crap! And certainly doesn’t know how to evaluate color. If you do not believe me, exhibit A- This is what was on my counter when I got home last night. PS. It’s a mug!


Erin said...

Wow, is he really going to drink from that "crown"? Maybe it should accidentally get broken while you are washing dishes!

The Abel family said...

LOL!! No explanation needed. I know Malachi :)