Sunday, November 16, 2008

My 100

I started working on this after Emma posted hers then I forgot about it, and just recently got the last few. It was really hard and not as interesting as I thought it would be, but enjoy reading....
0.I always chose neutral clothes and accessories (black, white, brown)…I have no desire to stand out or to be noticed, and just want to look clean and pleasant.
1.I am ALWAYS stressed out, I cannot help it! Regardless of how my life is going I have some sort of anxiety about how it should be different or how it is going to affect the future!
2.I Love shopping, I go shopping at least once a week (Not including food shopping…that would like quadruple the number) and I do spend a lot of money, but not because I have expensive taste, because I cannot pass up a good bargain!
3.I like book titles. I like walking though book stores and picking out and buying books because they have interesting titles… I have No intention of reading them, I just want to have time!
4.I tend to go overboard on almost everything. If I am interested or involved in something it envelops all my thoughts and energy!
5.I think argyle is fabulous! It is geometric and fashionable!
6.I love to shop at Ikea- just to look at all the ideas
7.I like squares- they are so retro and geometric- I try to include them in all my fashion choices!
8.I am a good Mormon girl who has never tasted alcohol- and I am the Manager and representative for the beer and wine department at Albertsons- how ironic is that?
9.I move a lot when I sleep- I have at least one knee bent and I flip over lots. Numerous times I have woken up freezing cold with no blankets.
10.When I was younger my parents made me sleep in a sleeping bag to break this habit…it didn’t work!
11.I am a really picky eater… I don’t like things that are too spicy, have a weird texture, have too many flavors combined, or that are bazaar mixture! In other words I like my food bland and flavorless!
12.I love maraschino cherries! There was a time that I ate a large jar a week!
13.I have always felt behind from where I ought to be…probably because my sisters and cousins are so much older than me…I don’t think I will ever catch up!
14.I would really like braces on my teeth…they are so unattractive and part of the reason that I speak with a lisp, but too expensive, I don’t think I will ever get them now!
15.I absolutely resent “crack addict mothers” Since I have been trying to get pregnant ( and have been unable to do so) it is so frustrating that these too young, irresponsible, reckless girls who are drinking energy drinks-on welfare with no baby daddy- probably doing other drugs (certainly not taking prenatal vitamins) get these beautiful babies…they don’t deserve it!
16.I try to mimic my mothers decorative skills, but I fall a little bit short, lucky she is close to help me finesse it!
17.I have a crib, stroller, changing table, jumperoo, exersauser, baby gate, highchair, bouncy seat, swing, cradle, clothes, toys, bottles, binks, burp cloths, bibs, and blankets…but no baby!
18.I listen to the CD’s from our wedding reception quite often- I had selected each love song, and when I listen to them I cannot help but have good feelings toward Malachi and our marriage!
19.I cannot seem to put the toilet paper on the roll- when it is empty I get out more and just set it on the counter- it drives Malachi crazy!
20.I have no friends; I have a hard time going past surface friends. I have lots of people that I like (and I hope like me) but outside of Malachi and my family I have NO one who I can call and hang out with!
21.I don’t use salt or pepper, I don’t mind eating them I just never fell the need to add them to anything-so I bought really decorative John deer S&P shakers so that they could always be out and I wouldn’t have to remember!
22.I like contemporary style houses, and my house is the opposite of contemporary, but it was a good deal I couldn’t pass up!
23.Without a to-do list I feel completely lost- I make lists for everything and remake the list and rewrite it in priority…and mark them off when they are completed
24.I like to keep the recites after I go shopping (especially grocery shopping) I am amazed at what a good shopper I am and all the deals I got. I work at a grocery store and you would be amazed at how many people come in (don’t shop the sales) and leave with 2 bags of $70 worth of groceries…no thank you I can get a full cart for $30!!
25.I only like to eat breakfast when I have nothing to do that day, I feel like I can really sit down, relax and enjoy it.
26.I apparently have really cheap taste- I do not like the shmancy purses at Macys, I have been to a really fancy restaurant and almost threw up when they had goat cheese on my otherwise crazy green salad, and I would prefer to go to Wal-Mart that almost any other store!
27.The lady that sold us our house left is in completely nasty and in dirty conditions.
28.I am really cheap ( I do go shopping a lot, but even then I look for bargains) However both Malachi and I try to keep our monthly bills ultra low, and when we have large expenses (appliances) we shop around and try to get used
29.My Mattress and box spring are the ONLY pieces of furniture in my house that I bought at a real furniture store, everything else has been from Craig list, thrift stores, family, friends, left here by the last owner. garage sales, or the dumpster (yes I have furniture from the dumpster, bet you cant tell which ones they are)
30.I do not like the color pink, I just plain old don’t care for it! I am sure I will like it lots more if I have a little girl, but for now, I avoid it like the plague.
31.I really want to learn and know how to can! But so far my efforts have been disastrous at best!
32.I love the smell of bleach I think it smells so fresh and clean!
33.Sometimes I love the smell of Coffee ( I don’t drink it, but) I want to get a coffee candle, or I don’t mind filling the coffee at work…however depending on the time of the month it sometimes make me nauseous, and I want to gag every time I smell it!
34.I am a really fast at typing, in fact people have commented on how fast I can type, however I spell horribly so it takes me a long time to finish anything because I use the backspace button Often and then have to spell check when I am done.
35.I have really long black eyelashes; people have even asked if they are fake!
36.I hope that when I am not working I will be able to hone my baking and cooking skills.
37.I always though that my eyes are brown…regular old- run of the mill- poop brown. However I have had several people tell me that they are really pretty and more like a Coca-Cola color
38.I was not 13 when Titanic came out and since it was rated PG-13 I didn’t see it, then when I finally turned 13 the big fad was over so I have never bothered to see it.
39.I Love facial hair on men, some of the men I think are most attractive have facial hair. I have kissed men with facial hair and it didn’t bother me…however ironically, I hate Facial hair on my husband, I don’t like the way it looks or feels! Good thing he is cute without it!
40.I love to just sit down and talk. I would almost chose to do that over anything else (Malachi loves it??) It doesn’t mater what we talk about I just like to visit!
41.I use to bit my nails REALLY bad. I would bit the nail until it bleed, and then bit the cuticle. I tried everything to stop. Then I went to my 9th grade cruise and put on fake nail (for the night) and I haven’t had a problem since!
42.I hate camping! I do not like being cold, wet, or uncomfortable. And I need a hot shower and a toilet.
43.I love the show Gilmore Girls, I do not have TV so I don’t see the current episodes, but I do have like the first 6-7 seasons on DVD
44.I love science (especially Biology) and I hope to one day go back to school, so that I can learn more about it!
45.I bought into a independent sales company (like Mary-Kay) for candles, however I completely lack networking skills!
46.I love the look of the vinyl rub-on phrases!
47.I almost always listen to Country music, my favorite artists right now is Carrie Underwood and Rascal Flatts
48.The only “real” job I have ever had is with Albertsons, I am hooked! Albertsons really is a good store!
49.I wish I were more tan, but you have to go outside to be tan, so I remain white
50.I really want a Piano….it would have to come with Piano lessons….but I keep looking for one on Craig’s-list
51.I am so frustrated that we don’t have a truck. Since we just bought a house we are in the stage of gathering things (large things) and I want to do it cheep (typically when its cheep you need to move fast) and its so frustrating that we have to figure out how to barrow a truck every time we want something….but not frustrating enough that we are going to buy a truck, yet!
52.I keep two boxes of raisins in my purse for when I visit the girls! (mom in training)
53.I Love being an Aunt, now that I live close, it is my favorite thing when Clara or Audrey will run up to me and give me a hug, or want my to hold them, or say “Auntie Wade, can you play with us?”
54.I don’t like watching “scarry movies” it freaks me out and I get no adrenalin rush from being scared.
55.I have REALLY poor circulation and my limbs fall asleep almost instantly when I sit down.
56.I almost always sit criss-cross if I can…even at restaurants, it is not very adult or lady like, but it is more comfortable.
57.I hate baby and bridal showers, the games are awful. Who though up these games, and they tend to drag on…and on, lets get in there open presents and eat cake and go home!
58.I have really bad vision, Probably should where my glasses, but I always make my passenger read all the street signs because I cannot see then until I am almost past them!
59.I am really grateful that I got to live so close to my grandparents growing up.
60.I think the driving on the left “only to pass” law is STUPID
61.I like to read non-fiction books, I get board with novels, but with fact books you can skip around.
62.I love to play Scategories and Apples to Apples
63.My favorite movie is “ A walk to remember”
64.I am a complete sucker for people in distress; I like to swoop in and save then. More often then not I get burned, but I try.
65.Besides Malachi- my mother is my absolute best friend.
66.Don’t tell anyone but there are about 15 video games in the world like I like, think are fun and would play in moderation! I despise ALL others!
67.I really wish my house were perfectly clean always, but I am naturally messy and Malachi is chronically messy, so it’s a struggle. I think that’s normal.
68.The summer after my freshman year of collage I was living in an apartment with a porch. I went outside and swept the porch, I was so ashamed, I had always made fun of my mother for trying to vacuum dirt outside.
69.When I met Malachi the that made me think “he might be a good husband” was how frugal he was. I knew we would have no money, but that we could make that work!
70.I went fishing once, caught a fish, now I never have to go again.
71.I did not have my first kiss until I was 17
72.I love Ice-cream- Cold stone and Baskin Robbins.
73.Malachi and I have discussed the idea of being foster parents or adopting in the future.
74.I have no desire to travel the world. I don’t like to be uncomfortable and confused, and not understand what people are saying, and most importantly I do not like strange bugs or snakes
75.I was Choir President my senior year
76.In Junior high- in 9th grade my choir won “Best in the Northwest”
77.Carnations are my favorite flower- I think it is amazing how they change color if you put them in colored water
78.I kissed Malachi first, I was really waiting for him to take initiative, but he took too long and I am really impatient.
79.I like nick names- I like to have inside jokes and call people by names no one else calls them. Malachi hates nick-names so??? I don’t know what will happen with our kids names
80.The thing I hate most about dieting is it makes me think about food ALL the time. I always think about where my next meal is coming from.
81.I like to play in the babies room; I fold and re-fold all the clothes. I have taken inventory 1000 times. I look at what outfits go together if I had a boy, or girl… and what accessories could make it more tailored one way or another.
82.I really like black and white pictures! favorite vacation spot is Rigby, Idaho
84.I like songs that have a strong Orchestral are marching band background!
85.I would choose to eat Chicken Alfredo over almost anything
86.I like going on road trips, and driving in general!
87.I watch the videos of Sydney on the blog probably 15 times- more if I think they are exceptionally cute!
88.I keep an small overstuffed Zebra in my kitchen to remind me that I am not fat- just fluffy
89.I love Garage sale season- I cannot wait until spring again- momma and I area going every weekend
90.I have a terrible sense of directions, I have gotten COMPLETELY lost more than a few times in my life and it has been Very bad each time
91.I hate pictures of myself- I am not photogenic
92.Our wedding was PERFECT, just the way I wanted it and I enjoyed every minute of it.
93. I hate haveing a random work schedual and having to work so much
94. I like Reeses Peanut butter cups
95. I wish I knew (or Malachi) more constuction stuff so we could work on our house more.
96. the smell of fish makes me gag!
97. Chocolate and IB-proffen cures all
98. I cannot wait to start a family
99. I love Malachi very much!


Unknown said...

I learned lots of stuff about you. We have some things in common that I didn't know about. If you want a cheap piano you should put an ad on craigs list or the paper asking for a free one. That is how I got mine. It was a kind of crappy but with some elbow grease, a couple visits from the piano tuner and one music holder made by Grandpa, it is a pretty good piano. Just a suggestion.

Tyra said...

Me too! I learned alot about you, when you come to your favorite vacation spot, don't forget to come see us!