So I did NOT take any pictures (lets face it...who has time to snap a quick shot when you are tripping the old lady so that you can get to the $4 jammies first) but I did want to tell you what a marvolous time I had....
SO I have never done Black friday before, you always hear all of these Horror stories and I was scared that I would get trampled! But last year I was working at Walmart and watched all the crazy people and decided that I could do that! So this year Mom and I hit all the shops! We started at 11:30 pm and headed to Walmart (sales start at 12:01) Got what we really wanted then hit a second Walmart to sift through the leftovers. Then Hopped from Toys-R-Us to JC pennys, Victoria Secret, Sears, with a quick stop at Krispy Kreams for some re-fueling! We decided to skip Target because we had bigger fish to fry---K-MART!! WAY fun!! then on to Mclendons and home by 9 am!! We had SO MUCH FUN people watching...People are So FUNNY!! All-though we had to stop making fun of all the "Crazy" people, because its a little hipocritical to make fun of all the Nut-jobs at Walmart when you are standing in line with a cart overflowing eating beef jerky at 1 O'clock in the morning!!!
I love Black Friday!