Wednesday, May 13, 2009


You know those times in your life when you realize your husband is truly amazing?
Most of the time I make fun of my husband’s quirks and complain about his annoying habits….although I know I still love him… that seems to take a backseat to the irritation. I find that I complain much more than I compliment! I try not to but I get so embarrassed by him, but he doesn’t care what other people think.
However today I realized how lucky I am…he didn’t do grand gesture or anything…I just noticed that recently that he goes out of his way to do things (that he wouldn’t normally do) that he knows will make me happy, or less stressed. Although he may not care about something or think it’s important, he does it because it’s important to his wife and he loves me! He works hard all day long and comes home to work on our house. He supports me in working less, even though I could be working more. And today for no reason at all he asked me to dance, that’s like a sitcom!
I know a lot of you may not know Malachi very well….but he is truly amazing and I love him so much! He puts up with a LOT of crap from me (other men would have been running for the hills) He is funny and smart and I have seen him grow in leaps and bounds since I have met him! Sometimes I forget but he really is the best man I have ever met! Malachi is such a good husband and will be an excellent father some day! I love him!

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