Monday, August 27, 2012

Vacation Part3

After we got the the Haney's there was a lot of Bike riding, playing, and more playing!
 All the kids got along so well and were perfectly happy to just PLAY all day long together!
 We did sneak away to go visit a park the first night we got there, to get some energy out so we could go to sleep!
 Andrew is pretty much and expert climber!
 The next day was Sunday we we kept it pretty quiet... we to church and went to Aunt Dawn's after for dinner! We all had so much fun at their house, playing and hiding!
 Then when we woke up the next morning we needed to play some more- I think here Sydney is the "mom", Treyson is the "baby" and Mallory is the "Puppy"? I am not sure they all change so much!
  We played a really fun game called "build a tower super high before Cole comes over and knocks is down"
 Then we went to the Idaho Falls ZOO (our favorite place)  Apparently we are a bunch of posers!
 The zoo itself was kinda small and not MANY interesting animals- but we had a BLAST going with Sydney, Treyson, Cole...Oh and Auntie Emma too!
 There Turtles were my favorite part- they are seriously the size of a semi-TRUCK tire!
 The kids thought EVERYTHING was cool- but they really wanted to see the Alligator!
 Then of course we were SUPER hungry after that and had to go out to eat- Lucky ducks!
Treyson and Cole needed to go home and take a nap so the Haney's went home and we went shopping....

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