Monday, May 16, 2011

Not much to report....

So our lives have been pretty normal this last of our missionaries (that lived with us) came back into our area so it has been fun to catch up with him...We cleaned out our deep freezer and found TONS of treasures,(steaks, ground beef, Pork roasts) things we didn't know we had, but are really grateful that we bought once upon a time.....I had a REALLY frustrating Friday- So I bought a ZOO pass and I thought it was good for NW trek also (because my sister has one too) but the one I bought was NOT for both, so we spent a long time (and gas) driving up there, waiting for it to open, just to drive home.... Saturday was great we went to a few Garage sales- which is more fun when you have children to buy for! Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa's 60th anniversary Party!! Oh my heck, can you believe she put up with him for 60 years??? Congratulations!!
Besides that we don't really have much going on here----

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