Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cart before the horse...

So I admit it, I am deffintaly a cart before the horse kind of person... I always pictured myself having lots of kids and driving a mini-van...well the kids part hasent happened yet, but we did get the mini-van!!!
We found a great deal on craigslist and it was too good to pass up- So we are selling out little Dodge Neon and trading up for a bigger car! We know we will need the room-eventualy!

Update: So we were contacted about three weeks ago and asked in we would be willing to take a group of 4 siblings- we were so excited!! Unfortunatly they choose another family, this is devistating, however we know that must be heavenly father's plan for them.
ALSO...before we found out about these children we were planing on trying IVF, however after much prayer, thought, and crying we have decided to hold off and put our faith in God and hope that he is preparing our children for us!
Wish us luck!

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