Friday, November 13, 2009

Congrats Malachi!

Pacific Air (Malachi's company) is trying something new...They split Malachi's department into two Groups...The "Under 10's", which will do all the Systems and are under 10 years old and the "Over 10's"...These are the workers that have high sales and high recommendations, working on the older systems they will have MORE of an opportunity to make a commission because an older furnace is far more likely to break, or need its ducts cleaned or need additional maintenance....SO Malachi was chosen for this "Over 10" group based on his sales, WAHOO!! This can mean a lot more money and that his boss is recognizing him as an excellent worker!! GREAT JOB HUNNY!


Mary-Anne said...

That's exciting! Congrats!

Tianna said...

Congrats Malachi! Sounds like things are going well with your job.