Sunday, November 29, 2009


After much looking and wanting we got a PIANO!! Our friends in the ward had it in storage and let us buy it from them...this was perfect because our issue with Craigslist is cordinating movers and a truck! So if anyone has EASY Piano music (Christmas?) for me to learn Piano on please feel free to send it my way!
P.S. it also did NOT come with a bench so if you see a good one (sturdy but cheap) on craiglist let me know!

Friday, November 27, 2009

I have a lot to be thankful for this year, I sometimes forget it, but this is a good time of year to help me remember…

My husband, he is a wonderful eternal companion and no matter how crazy I get he stands solid by my side waiting to comfort me!

My Pooch! I am so grateful for his company so that I never have to feel alone!

The gospel is a great blessing in my life not only for the spiritual side but also the church and how it brings friendship together; I love the people in my ward!

Chocolate is one of my favorite things in this world, it always makes me feel better and never disappoints!

Our Home…it isn’t always my favorite and I am sometimes embarrassed, but it will make a good foundation for a great life!

My Mother! She is my best friend in every way, I cannot imagine how I would get though some days without her!

Friday, November 13, 2009

It's a Wall!

I know it doesn't look like much, but we are very excited!! when we closed in our carport there was a sliding glass door that lead from the dining room into the garage...kinda ugly to look at the car while you’re eating, cut down on wall space and generally made the kitchen/dining area now it is a wall....looks like nothing was ever there from the inside, outside it looks ugly, but hey it’s a garage, who cares?

Congrats Malachi!

Pacific Air (Malachi's company) is trying something new...They split Malachi's department into two Groups...The "Under 10's", which will do all the Systems and are under 10 years old and the "Over 10's"...These are the workers that have high sales and high recommendations, working on the older systems they will have MORE of an opportunity to make a commission because an older furnace is far more likely to break, or need its ducts cleaned or need additional maintenance....SO Malachi was chosen for this "Over 10" group based on his sales, WAHOO!! This can mean a lot more money and that his boss is recognizing him as an excellent worker!! GREAT JOB HUNNY!