Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So after our car was stolen (see past post, if you missed that) we moved "Making our carport into a garage" to the top of our list...however we still didn't know how we were going to do it. Fortunatly Jeremy was willing to take on the prodject for us! WAHOO!!

So he framed it in

Blocked in the back and put a door so that we can get to our backyard

and we got new garage doors! We still need to put siding on it and a coat of paint, but it works!
Our neighbors were really impressed and they said it added $15,000.00 to our house! Thanks Jerm!


Mary-Anne said...

Wow...that looks great!! Good job!

The Abel family said...

Wow! Your new garage is awesome!! I bet it added a lot to your home. I can't wait to see it in person.