Sunday, August 4, 2013

More Family Reunions!

We had a blast at the Inman reunion last week...playing with all the cousins, eating lots of food, building rockets, having an auction....
 doing a super hero party, having a tea party and running through the really was a fun time!
 The next day we went met some family at Northwest Trek...
 We go pretty often but it was fun to go with all the cousins and giggle and run together through the park!
 Clara is being a cougar- can you tell?
The kids LOVED spotting all the animals on the tram!
After that we went out to Ron and Mary's Lake house! It was a perfect day for playing on the lake! I think Malachi had the Best time...
 Although Mallory was Very brave and had a lot of fun going down the slide!
 After the Inman reunion we didn't have any time to relax because the very next day we traveled down to Rockaway beach for our "Inman Sister's Reunion".  I was having too much fun to take many picture- so I'll have to gather some up from other peoples camera's and post those later- but here is the few pictures I took of our week....

 We did A LOT of playing on the beach, making sand castles, slashing in the water, throwing mud and all kinds of fun things! The kids didn't even mind that the water was FREEZING!
 One of the days we took a tour of the Tillamook cheese factory and got YUMMY Ice cream!
 And we went Mini Golfing!
 While we were at the beach we took family pictures (which I will post later)- here is a cute picture of my little family waiting around on the beautiful beach!
 And I wanted to get a picture of Granny and Grandpa with my kids- we are SO lucky to have such wonderful grandparents for our kids!
 In case the ocean water was too cold to swim in (which it was) Granny brought her pool- and boy did they LOVE it!
 We also had some fun crafts to do- we made a fish, crab and a walrus!
 One of the days we snuck off to Portland to do some exploring...we went to the Oregon zoo and saw lots of really cool animals. It was a LOT of walking, but we brought a stroller and Spencer did GREAT!
 While we were at the zoo we rode the train- Andrew has a BIG jaw breaker in his mouth- can you see it?
 The kids thought the train was super cool, and they even got to ring the bell
 It was kind of nice to spend the day just the 5 of us.....
We even had a boys night and Andrew got to stay up with the big boys and play Poker!
  On a very windy day went out and flew kites- Mallory LOVED it, she walked ALL around the beach holding her dollar store kite...playing in the sand and having such a good time. I however could not get my kite off the ground...oh well I guess some of us are natural kite flyers and some of us are not!
 Malachi made a Lincoln log tower taller than he was- and it almost fell on Granny's head!
 When we visited Seaside we couldn't help stopping at the go-kart track
It was a little raining this day, so we were sliding all over the track
 We did a bit of shopping...and played some games!
 And even found some bumper cars!
We've had such a fun week- I kind of wish it wasn't over and the Haney's didn't have to go all the way back to Idaho- we are going to miss them so much!

1 comment:

Mary-Anne said...

How fun! We love the Oregon Coast!