Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Friends, Puppies, Surgery and Chicks

When we first started reading about Andrew they told us that he was shy and didn't interact with other kids.... as he has grown one of the funnest thing to watch is that he has developed 3-4 Best friends!
 This is his "Best Friend" Devon, he is really a sweet kid and I am glad we finally got a play date was kinda awkward because the play date with his Dad that I had never met, and his dad is def, but it wasn't as bad as I thought....I think I need to brush up on my American Sign language before out next play date!

We were just hanging around one morning and Mallory was just giggling at herself in the mirror!
 This is our snap shot on "Happy Mothers Day" before we went to church! We kept a pretty casual Mothers day this year, Malachi bought me an Adoption book I really wanted, The kids sang in church, we just hung out together, Sound good, I am so happy to be a mom!
You can't really see (because shes black) but Lily wanted to be really cozy with Bruce- Super cute! I really like our puppies- Lily got spayed this week so she is walking around looking pathetic in her cone!
 Malachi had a procedure on Monday- it was something we were kinda worried about but everything went smoothly, so far so good....we are still waiting for biopsy to come back but he is feeling much better!
 Granny and Grandpa got Chicks so we had to run over and see them- they have 3 "purple" ones, 3 yellow, 3 red....
 So the Chappell's came up with 3 names "Grape", "Buttercup" and "Rose"
 We came up with 3 names "Indigo", "Banana" and "Clifford"
3 chicks left NEEDING to be names- Haney's What do you think?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope everything is ok with Malachi. Tell him to feel better!