So here is an update on our life...last week was Spring break- Here are Andrew and Mallory eating otter pops and carrots...

Andrew started T-ball with Two of his friends from church! He LOVES it and is way good at it,
unfortunately his Momma (me) cannot
practice with him because she cannot throw strait, so if you would like to come play
catch with him he would Love it!

Mallory is still doing
Ballet! She had a recital 2 weeks ago and we signed her up for another class- she has her
tongue out the whole time, Very

And we went to the Zoo with a few of our friends- it was a little cold, but it didn't rain on us!

Have you ever herd and Elephant Purr? I have.....
normally when we see the Elephants they have their butts to us and just stand there, but this time they were very active and were making lots of noise!

Andrew was a big help at the zoo....I was babysitting a little girl, so between her, Mallory and the other mom's kids my hands were full- he was one of the oldest and a GREAT helper!

We colored Easter eggs- Can you tell Mallory is making the same face as the egg?

We used crayons, stickers, and food coloring- we colored a lot for the Easter bunny to hide!

Easter weekend was WAY busy- full of FUN!
Tianna's and
Doranda's family were in town so we went over to the Swifts Friday night....

And had a HUGE ward activity Saturday morning with Brunch, Springtime crafts and an Easter eggs hunt- planned by the Primary presidency (I'm 1st
Counselor-in case you didn't know) Then after naps we went over to the Swifts for ANOTHER Easter egg hunt! AND they got TONS of toys, candy and other from stuff from Grandma and Grandpa Swift AND Aunt
Talitha- Lucky kids!

Sunday morning the Easter Bunny slept in so we just woke up and went strait to church. The Easter bunny came while we had afternoon naps and the kids got to find MORE eggs and Easter baskets!! Man, What a fun Easter?

It has been really sunny this week so we have been going to the Park a lot!

It's always nice to get out and enjoy the Sunshine!

Last week we all had dentist appointments- Andrew, Mallory and me! Andrew and Mallory did great! This is Andrew opening his mouth like a Lion! I on the other hand need some work done-
ahhh I hate going to the dentist!

This Weekend Malachi and Mallory got to go on a VERY special Daddy-daughter Date! I curled her hair, painted her nails, and put REAL make-up on her!

She brought her Hello Kitty purse and they went out to eat and went for a walk....
One last thing.... Last night we went to the Daffodil parade in
It was really fun, as always, we all wore yellow and cheered as we saw the princesses! Yelled when we saw the
pirates, and boogied our bums when the bands went by! Granny spoiled our kids with TONS of candy- Some that apparently turn your
tongue green and even though Grandpa
wasn't there he still provided
monetary support for Cotton candy!

Our life is perfectly enchanted- don't you think?
Fun, fun!! Nathanael said you guys are coming out here in August? We'd love to have you stay here! Also, we're hoping to come up that way in hopefully we'll get to meet your kids sometime this summer! :)
Fun, Fun, Fun!!!!!!
Sounds like fun! Let me know when the next activities are, I would love to come to a t-ball game or the next recitle!
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