Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Father-Son Camp out!

Our Stake does a Father-Son camp out every year- I love it because I think it's a GREAT bonding time for Andrew and Malachi--- On the Plus side, I don't like to go camping,  I also get to do stuff just with Mallory and get the bed to myself for a night...Win- Win
 Apparently I sent them with a dead camera so there are no actual camping pictures- but here is our "Bye Mom" picture...
 He was SUPER excited, he kept asking about random things...like apparently last year I sent Strawberries- oops, no strawberries this year...

Here is there picture from last year- I thought it would be cute to take a Father-Son camp out picture every year- just because it's cute!

However next year I will have to tell Malachi to wear a different outfit- apparently the "Ninjaa turtle shirt and cargo shorts" are his camping outfit- Andrews even wearing the same hat.....


The Abel family said...

That is funny about Malachi and the outfit. I was going to ask about it until I finished reading your post. I love father-son camp out weekend too!

Mary-Anne said...

That's hilarious that he's wearing the same outfit!