Thursday, December 1, 2011

Unofficially inducted into motherhood

Wednesday Evening the 16th I was playing downstairs with Andrew and Mallory. I decided to go upstairs to unload the dishwasher...I called Andrew up to come empty the silverware tray...He slipped on the stairs and was fussing so I called him to me- Long story Short- We went and got 3 stitches in the bridge of his nose! This (Of Course) happened 2 days (TWO DAYS) before we went to court. I guess thats the way it goes! Next important event I am wrapping my kids in bubble wrap 2 weeks before!
I have never had stitches before and this was defiantly a new experience for me...I guess thats what happens when you have a boy! Welcome to Motherhood!!

Here he is 5 days later getting his stitches out....he was really brave! We were really lucky that he didn't have a concussion or any bruising....Just a lot of blood!

For your information: The day I got married Scott (Emma's Husband) got a big gash in the same place on the bridge of his if I invite you to something important, where pictures are going to be taken- wear a helmet!!

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